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Rappler Talk: Producing the Lacson-Sotto campaign launch
What to expect from the Lacson-Sotto campaign launch
Lacson-Sotto launch to have no intermission numbers
‘Digital is the name of the game’ for 2022 campaigning
Ping Lacson and Tito Sotto official candidacy launch
Rappler Recap: Lacson-Sotto candidacy launch
Ping Lacson-Tito Sotto meet the press
Running in 2022 polls, Lacson, Sotto say they won’t neglect Senate jobs | Evening wRap
Press briefing with the Lacson-Sotto tandem
Sotto: Lacson and I won't neglect Senate duties when campaign begins
Lacson on running for 2022: Enough of entertainment politics
Lacson-Sotto want to be your ‘alternative’ candidates for 2022